So, I have not had any intrest to paint anything until now. I got this idea of witch elf unit filler, where one bride of Khaine has just killed her opponent, and I had really no other option than to just do it, and see how it turns out.

I decided that the foe whould be from the most hated army of them all, High Elves... And who better to represent them than a sword "master". I made the body from Beesputty and head, hands and feet from greenstuff. On retrospect, Beesputty would have been better. Sword was made by filing a plasticard and adding greenstuffed hilt.

I used one new colour for NMM gold, Vallejo "sun yellow", it kinda saturates the result more, I like it.
After all was painted, I used a toothbrush to do the bloodsplatters and painted rest of blood with normal brush. I am suprisingly happy with how everything turned out. I was aiming for more cartoony look for the dead body, and I think I managed to achieve it just the way I wanted.
The witch elves are all from Raging Heroes, I think that they have the best models in the market for witches. I did a preorder for Avatars of War witch elves, they looked equally good as well, and with a price of 38 euros for 30 girls, they are a bargain.
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