So, on stardate 230515 Mon Anwil and his rebel scum clashed with Darth Gutrot´s glorious fleet.
sunnuntai 24. toukokuuta 2015
Star Wars Armada First Impressions / Review
So, on stardate 230515 Mon Anwil and his rebel scum clashed with Darth Gutrot´s glorious fleet.
keskiviikko 20. toukokuuta 2015
I´m Alive!! ..and chidits are too..
I have been fiddling with brushes however, and managed to paint my chindit army to a point where it is pointwise ready for reasonably sized battles.
They actually already faced a jap force and scored their first victory against emperor Teemuhito in the jungles of Espoo!
Latest addition has been the HQ. Windgate Fergusson and Cairns are exactly the officers needed to clean the jap infestation from the jungle.
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