I've been waiting for a while for an inspiration to sculpt something now that I have beesputty, as it should be a lot better than oven hardening Fimo.
After surfing the net for Call of Cthulhu investigator characters, it became painfully obvious that Alienists (psychologists) do not exist.
So, I started a project to make one for me. My goal is to make a man in suit, who holds a pistol in his other hand, and gold watch dangling in his other hand. The gold watch is obviously to hypnotize a panicked witness to pump some information from him :)
Beesputty is extremely nice, it's pliable, and fine grained, and reacts to fine details very well. On the other hand, now I have nothing else to blame if this fails.. (well, maybe my tools)
The armature was a pain, I don't know if there exist a online seller for miniature armatures, but I'd rather buy them than make them in future. The importance of armature is even more important with a human figure because of the proportions. With my blood Bowl troll the proportions were not that important, so I did not realize the difficulty then.
TBH, I'm not still sure that I can actually complete this, it is quite a step up from the troll, as I now have to do something realistic (human body, suit, face, etc.).
I'll work on this, and hope it'll click in place. If not, I have to start over, which would suck a**.
In retrospect, it would have been good to make a sketch of the figure, but its too late now, I'm sculpting, and finding out what the putty reveals. Its kind of fun, but I have no clue of what to expect.
- Add collar to the jacket
- Make arms a bit thinner
- Lenghten the legs, and make feet
- Make wrinkles, pockets, buttons and details (necktie?)
- Clean up and soften the surface
- Bake the mini
- Make&bake the head
- Make hands from greenstuff, and maybe steal the pistol from Warlord's U.S infantry sprue
Näyttää tosi hyvälle, kasvot lienee se vaikein osuus. Takin ja housujen laskostus on mainio.
VastaaPoistaKomiaa jälkeä!
VastaaPoistaHieno alku! Ei kokemusta beesputtystä, siis kuinka pahasti sitä saa tuhrattua työstön ohessa ennen kovettamista, niin olisiko pikku detaljit turvallisempi tehdä kovetuksen jälkeen esim. greenstuffista jne. Pää yms erikseen liitettävät kapineet nyt on asia erikseen, kun ei ole riskiä painella ja rutistella nappia väärään aikaan väärästä paikasta.
VastaaPoistaJoo, greenstuffi on paree noihin pieniin osiin kun venyy ja paukkuu. BP on ehdotonta tavaraa isommissa kokonaisuuksissa missä meikäläisellä kuluu aikaa, on niinku maali jota voi loputtomasti korjailla :)
VastaaPoistaMuuten toi BP käy kyllä aika hyvin pieniinkin osiin jos ne ei työnny ulos, se kun on enemmän jauhomainen ku GS.
Tein tossa virheen että tekasin kengät greenstuffilla, niin mitään muuta ei voi sitte enään laittaakkaan BP :llä (GS ei kestä uunia..)