perjantai 3. tammikuuta 2014

Call of Cthulhu investigator, out with the old..

So, I got a bit disapointed with the Alienist sculpt's propotions, his legs seemed to be a bit too large. So, I had couple of options. To either break them above knee and recreate, or make a totally new sculpt.
I opted for the latter, as with a new sculpt I could fix the pose and few other issues as well.

So, I started with spending more time with the armature. So far the best instructions are from Hour of Wolves. I will have to print out a reference sheet for propotions when bending the armature to the pose, it will prevent undoable mistakes in the future.
I also found out that it is extremely useful to "sketch sculpt" the muscle structure while sculpting, it gives a nice base to start the clothing and finalizing the pose. The shoes are raw scetch to give me an idea of legs and feet propotions.

 While I was writing this blog entry, and looking at the pictures, I noticed that previously unseen points to fix and stupid looking parts are more clearly shown in a photograph than while looking at the miniature. This is one thing where oven baked putties excel, I can go back and change what I want, nothing is hardened before I want it to be, how very handy for a beginner!
Hmm, looking the photos, the old torso doesn't seem that bad, I'll give him a chance probably later on. Maybe 2 pistols or sumthin.

So far this has been like opening a new door in to the hobby, I'm sold :)
With my own sculpts I can't blaim anyone else, and I can fix any part to suit my needs (perversions). Also, as casted miniatures need to confirm to the casting demands, they usually don't have very deep crevises, or some spaces are filled with lead. With these, all those issues can now be bypassed.
Having said that, I wil not ever sculpt and army of anything however much I like this! ;)

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