torstai 20. helmikuuta 2014

Death Hag ..and long awaited vacation

So, last mini to complete before I'll be off to Philippines is Death Hag.

I spent 4 evenings with her, and redid some NMM parts a couple of times. What I learned from this was couple of new palette variations for gold and steel. I feel I'm pretty satisfied with gold now, I can do it relatively fast and with some certainty that it actualy works.
Steel is the next to tackle, I found out a good palette that allows minimal blending, so I get more repetitions faster.
 The leg is magnetized so she can be used on top of the cauldron and at a normal base.
The pictures seem to fade black colour, probably too much lighting, in real life, I like the result. (EDIT: wasn't the camera, it is the f**king armypainter antishine.. I really need to try out Testors)

I forgot to add blood to the chalice, but I'll do it later. I'll be away for 2 weeks spending my long awaited holiday in Philippines :)

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